nourishment for the mother

The what

Pour La Mère is not a meal delivery service, but a custom care protocol and personal chef experience. As a new mother you deserve to rest, recover and reinforce your bond with your child, so our goal is to cover the logistics of nourishment that would take you away from that. 

the why

For centuries, ancient traditions around the world have set aside the "fourth trimester" as a sacred time for rest, recovery, support and specific nourishment for a new mother. It is only in recent cultural practices that we have left this tradition by the wayside.

the how

You will receive specific care tailored to your needs under the umbrella of traditional maternal nourishment. Replenishing dishes that adhere to the rules of warm, soft foods, supplemented by herbs, teas and micronutrients that a new mother needs.

ease. balance. true self-care. recovery.